Rosco Permacolor - 6.3in. Round Dichroic Glass - 34600 Medium Red Blue
Standard Colors
Durable enough to withstand the extreme temperatures found in even the hottest luminaires, the Permacolor palette of standard colors offers designers a long life filter alternative to many of the most popular Rosco gel colors. Choose from among twenty four saturated colors colors that won't fade or burn over time.
Architectural Series Colors
This series of available colors has been designed with the assistance of architectural lighting designers around the world and is perfect for both interior and exterior architectural lighting projects. Subtle, pale color tints are perfect for accent lighting and offer a unique alternative to the typical bright saturated colors available from other dichroic suppliers.
Cinedichro™ Glass Color Correction
Cinedichro CTO and CTB dichroic filters have been engineered to provide true, accurate color correction, precisely matching industry standards for color balancing daylight and tungsten light sources. Relying on the filters ability to withstand extremely high temperatures, Cinedichro filters can be used on most motion pictures lighting fixtures - even 6K pars. Like all Rosco Permacolor filter, Cinedichro are made to a maximum diameter 13.5". Please contact Rosco for more information on using Cinedichro filters with specific fixtures.
This image of a Permacolor filter, Cinedichro CTO shows how the dichroic filter passes the amber portion of the spectrum and reflects its complementary blue portions.
Custom Sizes and Colors
If your project requires a specific color, or size, please call the Stage Lighting Store and we'll be happy to assist both by answering your questions and by providing a quote. Along with Rosco we will match the sample color you provide, and your custom piece can be cut in any size that's less than 13.5". A custom design charge and minimum quantity requirements may apply. Please contact the Stage Lighting Store for more information.