Doug Fleenor Analog to DMX512 Converter
The analog to DMX512 Converter accepts 48 discrete analog control voltages and generates a DMX512 control signal based on these inputs. The most common configuration converts each analog signal to one DMX512 output level with the first analog input being converted to DMX512 input number one, the second analog input being converted to DMX512 slot number two, and so forth. The input analog control voltage is usually zero-to-ten volts, but units can be modified to accept virtually any control range.
More customized analog to DMX512 converters can provide further functionality. The Doug Fleenor ANL2DMX can source voltage for external potentiometers or switches to control each output channel. Additionally the outputs can be programmed at the factory to produce specific values based on the inputs. The possibilities are only up to the creativity of the end user.
Analog to DMX512 converters have the DMX512 output electrically isolated from the analog input. This is desirable when interfacing control systems which may have incompatible grounding schemes.