Pin Spots

Pin Spots in light are just like a small detail brush for painting. They produce a very concentrated beam of focused light. Today there are conventional pin spots that have a very tight hot spot with some flare and no defined edge of the light and we also have the LED pin spots that have a very sharp edge of light. Some of the LED versions also let you change the color of the light. Pin spots can add magic to the look of an item. High light and shadow is what gives us visual interest. Just imagine having an individual pin spot on every statue in a museum. Perhaps a pin spot on every rose in an Italian Restaurant. Better yet, without a pin spot a mirror ball just isn't that magical! - Louie Lumen

8 Products

ADJ PL-1000 Pinspot
ADJ Saber Spot WW
ADJ Saber Spot RGBW
ADJ Saber Spot DTW